Tuesday, November 21, 2006

October 18 AIRT Presentation in Kelowna

On October 18, 2006, I delivered my AIRT (Advanced Internet Research Techniques) seminar at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia (ICABC) Practice Development day at the Grand Okanagan Resort in Kelowna, British Columbia.

When I worked as a management consultant for Price Waterhouse in the early 1990s, I learned first-hand that Chartered Accountants are arguably the brightest, most no-nonsense group of business professionals around, and this group was no different. They bombarded me with questions (which is a great thing!) and were particularly interested in the many different "flavours" of Google. I highlighted that Google is not merely one search engine (like most people mistakenly believe) but a huge bundle of online search, productivity and communication services. I illustrated the more than 100+ search tools on Google, and explained how and why each may deliver search results even with the same keywords. I also revealed the one simple Google technique that would make them exponentially and instantly more productive online, and how to incorporate this tactic in their day-to-day online activities. Many were blown away by just how easy yet effective this online research tactic is!

Special thanks to Moira Bryans, CA, Director of Professional Development for ICABC for inviting me and organizing an amazing learning experience for all involved (including me!). I had the priviledge of meeting and talking with many CAs who talked about their different businesses (from wood chips to adventure tourism to financial services) and how they use the web in their operations. Again, thanks to all the organizers and attendees for a superb event.

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